Lila Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. | Astha Organic Bio Fertilizer Manufacturer

Astha Takshak: Your Plant’s Best Defense Against Pests

Astha Takshak is a powerful pesticide designed to protect your plants from all kinds of pests, from tiny mites to more destructive bugs. It’s made with a special ingredient called Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% w/w, along with other strong organic and inorganic elements. Let’s break it down so it’s easy for everyone to understand!

What is Astha Takshak?

Astha Takshak is like a shield for your plants. Imagine a superhero that fights off bad guys to keep everyone safe. That’s what Astha Takshak does for your garden or crops—it fights off harmful pests that try to damage your plants.

How Does It Work?

When you apply Astha Takshak to your plants, it gets to work immediately. The Emamectin Benzoate inside targets the pests, especially the tiny ones you can barely see, like mites. It attacks their nervous system, which means the pests can’t move or eat, and soon, they’re gone. The other ingredients in Astha Takshak help make sure that it works fast and effectively, protecting your plants from top to bottom.

Why Should You Use Astha Takshak?

How to Use Astha Takshak?

  1. Mix: Take 5 ml. of Astha Takshak and mix it with 15 Ltr.  water.
  2. Spray: Use a sprayer to apply the solution evenly over your plants. Make sure to cover all parts, especially the undersides of leaves where pests like to hide.
  3. Relax: Sit back and let Astha Takshak do its job. You’ll notice your plants staying healthy and free from pests.

Astha Takshak is your go-to solution for keeping pests away from your plants. It’s easy to use, effective, and safe. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or just love gardening at home, Astha Takshak will ensure your plants grow strong and healthy, free from the threat of pests. Give your plants the protection they deserve with Astha Takshak!

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