
Astha KMB – Potassium Powerhouse for Plants – Bio Fertilizer

250.00 price_including_GST

Astha KMB is a revolutionary bio-fertilizer that helps release trapped potassium in your soil, making it easily available for your plants. Boost plant growth, improve yields, and enhance soil health with Astha KMB.

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Have you ever wondered why some plants seem to thrive even with minimal care, while others struggle despite your best efforts? The secret might lie beneath the surface, in the hidden potential of your soil!

Astha KMB, our innovative Potassium Mobilizing Bio Fertilizer, is like a magic key that unlocks this hidden treasure. Imagine your soil as a giant vault filled with potassium, a vital nutrient for strong, healthy plants. But sometimes, this potassium is locked away, unavailable for your plants to use. Astha KMB acts like a skilled treasure hunter, dissolving and releasing trapped potassium, making it readily available for your plants to absorb!

How Does Astha KMB Work?

Think of Astha KMB as a team of tiny superheroes working in your soil. These beneficial microbes, naturally occurring in the soil, use their superpowers to:

  • Dissolve locked-up potassium: They break down minerals in the soil, freeing up trapped potassium.
  • Make potassium readily available: Once released, these tiny helpers make potassium easily accessible for your plants’ roots to absorb.
  • Improve soil health: Astha KMB promotes beneficial microbial activity, leading to a healthier and more vibrant soil ecosystem.

Benefits of Using Astha KMB:

  • Stronger, Healthier Plants: With readily available potassium, your plants will experience:
    • Increased growth and yield
    • Enhanced resistance to diseases and pests
    • Improved fruit and flower quality
  • Reduced Reliance on Chemical Fertilizers: Astha KMB helps utilize existing potassium in the soil, potentially reducing your dependence on chemical fertilizers.
  • Sustainable Soil Management: By promoting soil health, Astha KMB contributes to long-term soil fertility and sustainability.

When to Use Astha KMB?

Astha KMB is a versatile product that can be used throughout the growing season, especially during:

  • Early stages of plant growth: Provide a strong foundation for healthy development.
  • Flowering and fruiting stages: Promote vibrant flowers and increase fruit quality and yield.
  • When signs of potassium deficiency appear: These might include stunted growth, weak stems, or yellowing leaves.

Using Astha KMB with Chemical Fertilizers:

Even if you use chemical fertilizers, Astha KMB can be a valuable addition to your soil management routine. It helps maximize the utilization of existing potassium, potentially reducing the amount of chemical fertilizer needed.

Effective for a Variety of Plants:

Astha KMB is a powerful tool for a wide range of plants, including:

  • Flowers: Roses, lilies, marigolds, and many more!
  • Fruits: Apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and more.
  • Vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, beans, and more.
  • Field Crops: Cotton, sugarcane, rice, and other field crops.

How to Use Astha KMB:

For Container Plants:

  1. Mix the recommended amount of Astha KMB with water according to the instructions on the label.
  2. Apply the solution directly to the soil around the base of your plants.
  3. Water thoroughly after application.

For Field Applications:

  1. Follow the recommended application rate per acre as mentioned on the label.
  2. Astha KMB can be applied through broadcasting, fertigation, or drip irrigation systems.
  3. For optimal results, consult with your local agricultural extension service for specific application methods based on your crop and soil conditions.

With Astha KMB, you can unlock the hidden potential of your soil and empower your plants to reach their full potential!

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Additional information

Weight N/A

1 Kg., 1 kg. x 5 pack

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